Wednesday, May 2, 2007
I will go to Los Angeles for this Vacation, I will go on Monday March 31,and the plane will arrive at 5pm.I will com back on April 8,and we will be home before 3pm. om March people will probably take more vacation. We will go get there to fly. I will stay there until Saturday, I am will come back very fast and I like doing my duty on time. I will go to Los Angeles with my friends. We may visit art museum in the Los Angeles, and might visit downtown Los Angeles. After that I will go with my friends to the University of California Los Angeles, and visit the Architecture Department also talk with some students at the University of California. I think we might buy books from the students Center, and we will see friends in Los Angeles. We might even see some on Sunday. I may go to party at friend is home in Los Angeles.
Little Miss Sunshine
little Miss shine is not a fun movie. I think it was very sad. First I don’t think any one really looking on the outside to understand it. For example the ungainly daughter wants to be a beauty queen, and the grandfather snorts heroin.The Mom’s brother the gay American Proust scholar just tried to kill himself. I don’t like this film because put these people together in old van car, you may know exactly where the Hoover family is going on this road trip, but the old vas car did not check startup, and all people take in danger in the travel.Second It's a sign of weakness.Toni Collette,playing the mom, veers between simmering resentment and an aching to keep her family together.Alan Arkin entertains as the nihilistic grandpa;Abigail Breslin somehow managea to keep her dignity as the 7-year-old girl fixated on winning the world's crassest beauty pageant. Thirty I feel was sad for me Greg kinnear finds the vulnerable humanity of a dad who would tell his daughter, don’t apologize.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Little Miss Sunshine
Little Miss shine is not fun movie. I think it was very sad. First I don’t think any one
Really looking on the outside to understand it. For example the ungainly daughter wants to be a beauty queen, and the grandfather snorts heroin. The Mom’s brother the gay American Proust scholar just tried to kill himself. I don’t like this film because put these people together in old van car, you may know exactly where the Hoover family is going on this road trip, but the old vas car did not check startup, and all people take in danger in the travel. Second it's a sign of weakness. Toni Collette, playing the mom, veers between simmering resentment and an aching to keep her family together. Alan Arkin entertains as the nihilistic grandpa; Abigail Breslin somehow manage to keep her dignity as the 7-year-old girl fixated on winning the world's crassest beauty pageant. Thirty But two actors manage to stand out. Even in this stellar group, mainly by burrowing so deeply into their characters alienation. A bearded Steve Carell the suicidal scholar, and the haunted look in his eyes will stay with you long after the movie is over. And Paul Dano’s eyes are equally expressive. I feel was sad for me Greg kinnear finds the vulnerable humanity of a dad who would tell his daughter, don’t apologize.
Really looking on the outside to understand it. For example the ungainly daughter wants to be a beauty queen, and the grandfather snorts heroin. The Mom’s brother the gay American Proust scholar just tried to kill himself. I don’t like this film because put these people together in old van car, you may know exactly where the Hoover family is going on this road trip, but the old vas car did not check startup, and all people take in danger in the travel. Second it's a sign of weakness. Toni Collette, playing the mom, veers between simmering resentment and an aching to keep her family together. Alan Arkin entertains as the nihilistic grandpa; Abigail Breslin somehow manage to keep her dignity as the 7-year-old girl fixated on winning the world's crassest beauty pageant. Thirty But two actors manage to stand out. Even in this stellar group, mainly by burrowing so deeply into their characters alienation. A bearded Steve Carell the suicidal scholar, and the haunted look in his eyes will stay with you long after the movie is over. And Paul Dano’s eyes are equally expressive. I feel was sad for me Greg kinnear finds the vulnerable humanity of a dad who would tell his daughter, don’t apologize.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Little Miss Sunshine
little Miss shine is not fun movie. I think it was very sad. First I don’t think any one really looking on the outside to understand it. For example the ungainly daughter wants to be a beauty queen, and the grandfather snorts heroin.The Mom’s brother the gay American Proust scholar just tried to kill himself. I don’t like this film because put these people together in old van car, you may know exactly where the Hoover family is going on this road trip, but the old vas car did not check startup, and all people take in danger in the travel.Second It's a sign of weakness.Toni Collette,playing the mom, veers between simmering resentment and an aching to keep her family together.Alan Arkin entertains as the nihilistic grandpa;Abigail Breslin somehow managea to keep her dignity as the 7-year-old girl fixated on winning the world's crassest beauty pageant. Thirty I feel was sad for me Greg kinnear finds the vulnerable humanity of a dad who would tell his daughter, don’t apologize.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Four years ago
I arrived in Oakland four years ago,I stayed at my friends apartment the first night. the next day I moved to my apartment.After two days we walked all a round the down town center.We visited the place city building,and then we drove around the city,and Our driver explained everything.The frist week in the afternoon I shopped, and bought a TV for my apartment, and watched TV,and enjoyed all the programs.The food is delicious , the people are kind and the weather is perfect , and my English is not very good, and I speak very slowly.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
My first days in Oakland
The first few days after my arrival in Oakland, I had to get organized.
On the first day, I stayed at my friend’s apartment. The next day, I moved to my own apartment. Two days later, we walked all around the downtown center. We visited the city hall, and then we drove around the city, and our driver explained everything. On the fourth day, in the afternoon I went shopping, and I bought a TV.
Finally, everything was organized so that I could start college.
On the first day, I stayed at my friend’s apartment. The next day, I moved to my own apartment. Two days later, we walked all around the downtown center. We visited the city hall, and then we drove around the city, and our driver explained everything. On the fourth day, in the afternoon I went shopping, and I bought a TV.
Finally, everything was organized so that I could start college.
One day at Emeryville
Today is Thursday. I am in Emeryville to buy a CD player and a camera from Best buy. The weather is great. I am sitting outside the star bucks coffee shop. I am watching some people doing different stuff. Five children are playing with their father, and mother, One young girl is talking on the phone, and also a beautiful girl is surfing the internet, An old woman is walking his dog. One the on way, a lot of people are sitting and enjoying the coffee shop, and talking to each other. And in the Emeryville a lot of couples are shopping different stores, such as best buy, CompUSA and office Depot.
Cloudy Day
Today is Saturday, March 9th.It is 10:30.Iam sitting on a bench at lake Merritt. It is a cloudy day I am looking at the beautiful lake, and front of me there are a lot of ducks swimming, and playing together and having fun. Behind me there are a girl, and a man running along to lake. One of them has a CD player. And she is listening to music. A man has a dog. He is not running. He is walking but his dog is trying to run, but he-man is telling the dog, Sammy, do not ran please.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I was a child
when I was a child,I was not in california.I was in Bamyan city,Panjab Village.This Village name Panjab his name comes from the five rivers. One river is close to my house.I was the third oldest in the family.My mother was very busy because there wre five children. she was home with us all the timr,and she worked hard at home.My father was very busy because there were two wives.He was the owner of a farm,and he worked at the city Panjab Village,so he was not home very much. I was cheeky,and not quiet when,I was a child,and Iwas happy.I was a good student,After school I always played football with other children.I was intersted in climbing trees, and Mountain,My father had horses, and I rode a horse.I was not neat. I was a child always cleaned my room.
My work place
My work place is a new ,and beautiful It is located in a vrey big place it has a very nice Golf park.Some people come to the play with their friends,and my work place.There are different place each floor has a cafteria.But my room has a teleohone,a computer,a fax machine,and on the desk there is a lot of paper work,pen,pencil,and there is a calendar.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
We can see all property on the floor of this room. There is a guitar gain’s the bed, there is a on the floor, a fishing rod is lagging on the floor. And basketball on the bed, you can also see sock on the lamp, a clothes on the shelf. I would make the owner of this room clean it up. First I would start to clean this room. After that I would organize all the objects, and clean all the bed, and organize all guitars, basketball, radio, cassettes sock, and fishing rod of this room. After that I would clean all the shelves, and organize the clothes, and put them on the shelf.
My teacher
Mt teacher name is Nikki Ellman,She is very happy, and she teaches Grammar 2.She live in Berkeley, she is from new York City. She told me she lives in beautiful old house with two cats. Her house has a garden in the front and in the buck, there are three bedrooms, two bathrooms kitchen, a living room, and a dining room, she likes to ride her bicycle in her free time, also she like to read or go to movies, she also like listening to music. In the summer 2005 she traveled to Mongolia, last summer she was in Armenia. Next summer she will ride her bicycle to France, and Spain. She loves teaching ESL.I hope we have a good time this semester.
My Work place
I work every Sunday Open wave at pacific shors center. In Redwood City. It is 4pm on Sunday. To day is sunny day. I am sitting at the blanket chair at four-floor building. The sun is shining on building and the golf park. Pacific shors center is very nice place to work. A lot of people work here. The pacific shors center has a lot of companies, and is a good place with new buildings, and beautiful architecture. My work place is very big, and very nice, some people come to Golf Park to play with friends, and run to gather because pacific shors center is a very good place. It is beautiful it has a new designed landscape. After a few minutes, I see four people, two women, and two men. They are walking for their sport. One of the men old, and other fat, and he is walking a black dog, the other is not. But he is tall, and thin. The large man is wearing a blue T-shirt, and white. The women look large too, but one woman is old, the other is not, they are walking together a round golf park, and they seem happy, and smiling.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Lookin at people
It is 10:00 a.m.and the weather is nice. I am at the Oakland public library looking at a lot of people from different countries, There is a group of people reading books, and talking to each other. There are many people walking in front of me, I think they are going to the public library. Many people are talking on the phone. Also, I am looking at one of my friend walking with a beautiful,I see people reading newspaper, and books, and some people working I the computer, and some of them are relaxing, and some people talking to each other.
The Limousine
The Limousine was quite Luxurious. It was at least fifteen feet long. It had six doors and could carry eight passengers comfortable. The outside of the Limousine had an elegant design, and the Luxurious windows big. The inside was Luxurious there was a TV and a telephone, stereo system. It was clean the limousine had nice clean well designed seats. It had an entertainment center. There was also food and beverages, our ride was fun, and everybody inside was happy
How to get an A in a class
My morning routine never varies. First I get up at 6:30 a.m. After take shower, I eat breakfast, after that I study for Grammar 2 and Writing 2, and I do my homework. If I get an A in a class or other students get an A in a class. First need come in the class, to work hard with their teachers it is very important for any student to take a writing English class, and to study more books and newspapers. After that the student needs to choose a topic, Students in the writing class need to write a lot. To write a sentence the students must check the Grammar, the capital letters, and the spelling, and punctuation. All students can get an in A in a class. When I get home from school at night, I follow the same routine; first I do my homework. I get an A in a class. Also, I write a paragraph at home, If write a lot it will help me write the final draft of my paragraph, and get an A in class.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
A Day at Laney
I am sitting on the coner parking lots to the laney College.It is busy day and the weather is sunny.Students and teachres are waiking to frome the parking lot.Some students are carrying food and a cup of coffee or tea,Some students are doing their homework or reading.But some Studens are in a hurry to get to class.
Special day
I was in Fremont two monts ago at 3pm Sunday.But the weather was warmer in Fremont.I visited my friends in Fremont.The special thing about this city was there are a lot of people from Medle East and India living in the Fremont,but also a lot of diffrent stors from this country. I saw a lot of resturants with differnt food at this city ,It was the food.I like more Kabab food with Rice,and Dezi food.The people wery friendly with other people,and people were so happy inFremont,I enjoyed alot of is this place.There were new home,and very good landscape Design around the homes, there was also new music Center for young girls and boys,and good place for fotball and basketball.It was intersting for me.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
My family
I remember my family,we lived far frpm each other,because mygrondfather had several wires,and every vife lived in a different place.We are a bigfamily.Sometimes my family had a big party,a lot of people from my family came to my house, and granmothers cooked several kinds of foods.My mothre gave food to poor people in my neighborhood houseesor she sent dood to their house.if the party was during spring time the girls in my family would come to my house,and orgnize the garden around the house,They planted all kinds of flowers.My grandmother gave then gifts.Sometimse the girls played,and danced.Some men also to his party, but thy didnot mix with the women,We always felt very happy,and close in our hearts.
Lake Merritt
I am at lake Merritt. It is 10:50 am. I am sitting at the blanket chair. The sun is coming up and shining on lake Merritt. Lake Merritt is nice place for every body.
Some people are coming to the lake to talk With friends and run to gether. Lake Merritt is good place and beutifull , but is not good Landscap in the lake Merritt. I think they need to change landscap and design new landscap design in the lake Merritt. After a few minuts I see two girls are walking for their spant. One girl is very fat, the other is not ,but she is tall. The fat girl is wearing blackpants and blue T-shirt. The tall girl is wearing red T-shirt, and black pants. They are carrying a dog. The tall girl is not smiling, but fat girl seems very happy, and smiling.
Some people are coming to the lake to talk With friends and run to gether. Lake Merritt is good place and beutifull , but is not good Landscap in the lake Merritt. I think they need to change landscap and design new landscap design in the lake Merritt. After a few minuts I see two girls are walking for their spant. One girl is very fat, the other is not ,but she is tall. The fat girl is wearing blackpants and blue T-shirt. The tall girl is wearing red T-shirt, and black pants. They are carrying a dog. The tall girl is not smiling, but fat girl seems very happy, and smiling.
Introducing Myself

I would like to introduce myself. MY name is M.Basirat .I am from Bamyan a Country in Afghanistan. When I came to the U.S. For an important reason. When I arrived in the U.S.I felt sad because I didn't speak English very Well, and for me it was very difficult to understand American culture. I was very hard for me. My life changed in all the ways because I had to hard work for the first time in my life, because before I came to the U.S.I had a better job. I finished University, and I graduated from University. Now, I Live in Oakland, and I weekend, I like to visit my friend in Tracy. During the week, every morning, I getup early, I drive to laney College, because I am taking writing 2 class this semester. my plan for the future are to study hard to speak, and write English very well, because I want to go to University , and Continue my education at the University of California.
My classmate
MY Classmate is sun Ou. He is from Burma. He came to the United States Seven Years ago. He lived in Oakland California with his family. He is single, but now he lives with friends in Oakland, Sun is taking two English classes. He likes to listen to music, and to read books. He doesn't have a job, but ha has pans to finish school. He is studying English Writing2, after class he goes home, and watches TV.He often plays football or Volleyball with friends, but his roommate work in a restaurant as cashier. Sun doesn't like his job.Hewould like to be a waiter, and he plans to be come an engineer architect to have a bright future a head of him
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