Wednesday, March 7, 2007

How to get an A in a class

My morning routine never varies. First I get up at 6:30 a.m. After take shower, I eat breakfast, after that I study for Grammar 2 and Writing 2, and I do my homework. If I get an A in a class or other students get an A in a class. First need come in the class, to work hard with their teachers it is very important for any student to take a writing English class, and to study more books and newspapers. After that the student needs to choose a topic, Students in the writing class need to write a lot. To write a sentence the students must check the Grammar, the capital letters, and the spelling, and punctuation. All students can get an in A in a class. When I get home from school at night, I follow the same routine; first I do my homework. I get an A in a class. Also, I write a paragraph at home, If write a lot it will help me write the final draft of my paragraph, and get an A in class.

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